
One of the most devastating life events for any person is the loss of employment.

But you already know that!

While I help my clients with effective resume preparation, my experience as a hiring executive and professional recruiter can help you in your job search.

These are some of the very basic ideas for you to use.

Write out in detail definitions of your ideal job (keeping in mind a need for Plan “B”)

Identify industry, job title, specific target companies and geographic preference.

Scan company web sites for openings.  What % of the ideal will you accept?

Set networking objectives / goals

Contact former managers, peers, employees, neighbors, customers, trade associations, suppliers, social associations, volunteers, etc.

Set weekly performance / productivity objectives

Numbers of new contacts, follow-up contacts, new networking groups

Learn everything about target organizations

Find their position in industry, finances, size, strengths, weaknesses

Network your way into target companies

Learn of opportunities, organization personalities from the outside in

Role play the interview with a professional or competent friend

Don’t be blind sided with off-beat questions

Know what you can contribute; why you fit the company mold

Have a 30 second speech of why you are the best candidate

Have your questions about the organization

Attend networking sessions

Breakfasts, Chamber of Commerce, industry groups

Have a 30 second pitch about why you are there


Use a free contact database package to assure that you follow up

Ask key people to critique your resume; you’ll get leads

Write a 30 second speech about why you can do the job

Register with temp agencies

Contact outsourcing companies; state employment agencies

Read all papers, including WSJ, IBD, Craig’s List

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